Anxiety Fades With Relaxation

Anxiety Paralyses the Mind

When severe anxiety sets in, rational thought disappears. Blame the brain waves and send in the therapeutic music which calms the body and relieves the panic. Witness the following example:


Disoriented and Frustrated

Nurses directed me to a gentleman who was disoriented, very anxious, and struggling to get out of bed, although he didn’t quite have the strength to do so. I introduced myself and asked if I might play, not expecting a response and getting none. I played music designed to relieve anxiety. He gradually slowed his struggling as I played. I continued for about 20 minutes, at which time he dozed off. His breathing told me he wasn’t in a deep sleep, though, so I kept playing. He woke, and I played another six or seven minutes, and he fell asleep again. One more time he roused, and it took just a few more minutes of playing to put him sound asleep with enthusiastic snoring.

The Slower the Brain Wave, the Sleepier We Get

How does the appropriate music do this? Brain waves vary in frequency depending on the level of consciousness. The highest frequency brain waves (Beta) occur when the brain is fully conscious. The next slower frequency brain waves (Alpha) accompany a relaxed, possibly meditative state. Even slower wave lengths (Theta) occur with sleep and deep meditation. The slowest brain wave (Delta) occurs with unconsciousness.

When anxiety strikes, extremely high, and probably irregular, frequency brain waves are the culprit. Now, apply some music – the right kind of music. When the brain receives the neural input of music from the ear, the brain synchronizes itself to that lower frequency and starts sending the same slower wave forms out to the rest of the body. A slower frequency shifts the brain waves from Beta to Alpha or possibly Theta. When this happens, the body relaxes, and typically the person falls asleep.

That’s not all

Anxiety is only one of many health problems that music alleviates. Find out more uses and benefits of music by clicking here. And if you would help us to deliver this type of gentle relief to more patients, please donate. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.